Only unpublished manuscripts that have not been previously submitted for publication or presented at other conferences and not under review by other journals and/or conferences will be accepted.

The collection of accepted extended abstracts presented at the Conference will be published in a comprehensive Conference Proceedings Book, ensuring broad dissemination of your valuable work. 

The authors of the selected high-quality extended abstracts might be invited to contribute to further publication opportunities, such as an editing book and/or a special issue in an indexed scientific journal, thereby enhancing research spread in the academic environment.

In order to participate, please use the Template files for Abstract, Extended Abstract and IA. 

Abstract submissionto submit an abstract for the USQC 2023 conference, please upload manuscripts formatted according to the ‘USQC 2023_A’ template. The length of the abstract should be no less than 250 words and no more than 500 words.

Extended Abstract submission: authors selected to submit an extended abstract will upload two separate files using a the templates available on the Conference platform.

– A file entitled ‘USQC 2023_IA’ detailing the authors, the title of the extended abstract, information on the authors (e.g., affiliations, qualifications, scientific disciplinary sectors, email addresses) and any paragraph attributions, acknowledgment sections and references to research projects that led to the drafting of the extended abstract;

– A file entitled ‘USQC 2023_EA’ comprising the main text (based on the conference template, between 2,000 and 3,500 words) that includes a structured abstract (no longer than 500 words), keywords and a reference section. The manuscript should be divided as follows: objectives, methodology, findings, practical implications, limitations of the research and originality of the manuscript. The insertion of figures and tables as images (i.e., .bmp; .jpeg; .jpg; .png; .gif formats) is not allowed; any figures and tables should be provided in a Microsoft Word format. Any related files of additional tables and figures must be attached in their original format (e.g., xls). Footnotes should only be used to make comments, provide more in-depth analysis and note further considerations, and should not be used to provide any bibliographical information.


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